Future Bikes and car

 Hello everyone I am Ajit and as the topic I have chosen is what will be the improvements in future on bikes and cars. In this speech I will mentioned these key points about FUTURE BIKES and CARS.


First of all i would like to share the use of transportation. transportation made a major role in our life because it save our time and maker it easier to go any other places in less time and with comfort bikes and cars develpoments was started in 18th century.

But one problem was there that is reduce more pullution because the fuel was not burned completely by the engine ( because engine was also not well developed).

In the 19th in these some changes was tajen but pullution was not reduce  then after it bikes and cars company was focusing on the pullution and in the 20th century (2005) the firts car was developed with less  redusumption of pollution.

And in india it was known as BS2 cars and like this BS4 , BS6 car was developed with very less pollution , speed increasment in 1 april 2020.

Here is some images of BS4, BS2 and BS6 cars- 


people now we will understand and compare it by now( 2023) and before 20  to 50 years.


We can see how much improvemnts gain time to time and if we talk about theirs fuel so in there also some improvements we gain like bike and cars could run only the use of petrolium ( petrol, diesel) , but now it possible to run the vehicles by use of electricity, CNG, and even hydrogen ( Toyota is the first company who developed a car MIRAI that can run with the use of Hydrogen.).

And because these developments wes taken before that's some curious things can come on our mind like what will be next changes in bikes and cars in future .

So because of this my imagination , even peoples imagination can answer for this question. So as a student of mechanical engineering my mind says many changes will take place like the engine, view of pollution , speed etc.

And yes after 20 to 50 years it will be availble to see the improvements in in future bikes and cars.

Thank you to all and I hope it will give you some knowledge and information about future bikes and cars.

Example of bikes and cars , their design , properties etc.

Thank You  


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